Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Slightly belated 24 week pregnancy update:


Although I am actually 24 weeks, 5 days pregnant today, yesterday I had my 24 week OB appointment.  It was the most uneventful appointment as of yet, which is a wonderful thing because it means that the pregnancy is progressing smoothly.  Dr. Bradford wants Blake and I to start discussing pediatricians and cord blood banking.  We think we'll use Dr. Friedman.  He was my pediatrician (and my brothers' pediatrician) when we were little.  He is also Elizabeth's pediatrician.  Dr. Bradford was excited when I mentioned this, as he is apparently at the top of her list of recommended pedis.  I'll make an appointment to visit with Dr. Friedman soon because I'll also need to see whether he still performs circumcisions for Bris ceremonies.

General Pregnancy Update:

How far along: 24(ish) weeks

How big is baby: As I'm approaching my 25th week, baby will soon graduate to the size of an eggplant.  At the moment, he is still the size of a papaya according to The Bump website.

Total weight gain:  I've gained approximately 14 pounds in almost 25 weeks.  Eek!  The number on the scale is climbing and I'm really hoping that I can keep my weight gain limited to 1 pound a week for the remainder of my pregnancy.  Fat chance (no pun intended).

Belly button; Stretch Marks: Belly button is still shallowing.  I'm hanging on to my "innie" for dear life!  No stretch marks yet.  Each night I alternate between using Palmer's Cocoa Butter Formula and Burt's Bees Belly Butter.  I like both of them, especially because they are virtually scent-free.  I hate scented lotions.  If I haven't already mentioned it, I do not believe that any lotions can prevent stretch marks.  Stretch marks are hereditary.  That being said, I am not opposed to lotioning up my belly each night.  Keeping the skin moisturized certainly can't hurt, right?

Last Dr's Appt: As mentioned above, my appointment yesterday was super uneventful.  Dr. Bradford is pleased as punch with my weight gain, and she is happy that my headaches and morning sickness are gone.  Baby's heartrate was 164.  The nurse had some difficulty finding it, which nearly gave mama a heart attack.  Homework: find a pediatrician and research cord blood banking.  My next appointment is on October 3rd.  I'll get another ultrasound to check on baby's heart.  I'll also have to do my glucose test (yuck!).

Maternity clothes: Obvi.
How am I feeling: Great!  My one and only new symptom: Charley Horse cramps in the middle of the night.  Holy sh!t do they hurt!  I've had 3 rude awakenings in the past week.  I hope this new symptom disappears just as quickly as it appeared.  Morning sickness and headaches are still gone.  Acid reflux has actually been better for the last week. 

Mood Swings and Food Cravings: Still just feeling generally hungry a lot of the time.  One of my best friends, Jess (due 15 days after me!) says that she is hungry a lot but that she can only eat small portions at a time (she gets full quickly).  I wish I could say the same for myself.  I feel like a bottomless pit.

Milestones: Can't think of any new milestones besides the fact that baby is now considered viable by the medical community (see V-Day post).  Oh, oh!  I almost forgot:  I started my registry at Buy Buy Baby last week.  One of my close friends, Emily Strong, accompanied me so that she could show me the ropes.  She has an almost 2 year old and is currently 34 weeks pregnant, which officially makes her a baby expert (and all-around genius) in my book.  Registering is fun and confusing/overwhelming/slightly stressful at the same time.  But mostly it's just fun.  I can't wait for my first baby shower on October 9th! 

What I'm looking forward to: My nursery furniture is supposed to arrive this afternoon!  I can't wait to see it!  Here is a picture of the crib that I have picked out:

I think it is really pretty with a modern edge that will compliment our house.  I also bought the matching dresser/changing table.  Now I just need to find a glider. 

As mentioned above, I'm also stoked about my upcoming baby shower, which is now only a month away!

Preparations and decisions being made:  BBH is still nameless.  Boo!

And, because I'm feeling adventurous... my first bare belly pic:

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