Wednesday, September 14, 2011

100 Days!

The nifty ticker in the right-hand margin of my blog says that BBH is due in 100 days!  (See floating fetus and countdown info).  If you click on the bottom of the box, you can change the information to show days/weeks remaining until due date, days/weeks passed since conception, etc.  It's pretty cool!  ::Insert shout out to my friend Emily for helping me set up that blogger gadget!::

100 days.  100 days can sound like a lot or a little depending on what the count down is for.  In this case, it feels like a little.  Considering that a healthy pregnancy lasts the good part of a year, I can't believe that I am approaching my third and final trimester.  There is still lots to be done.

A note to my babe:
Although I can't wait to meet you BBH, I'd appreciate it if you'd come along within 1 week of your due date in either direction.  As long as you are being so accomodating, please avoid Christmas.  I'd prefer that you not share a birthday with Jesus.  Not that there is anything wrong with Jesus... I just don't want you to have to share the limelight on that special day.  Oh and your daddy wants you to be born before January 1st so that you don't screw with our insurance deductible situation.  Thanks little guy!


  1. HAHA. We had the EXACT same conversation with Wyatt.

  2. Tax benefits too!

    Btw, I am going to try to figure out how to do one of those count down things for my blog!! Such a fun idea!
