How far along: 32 weeks
How big is baby: My last ultrasound was a little over a week ago (31 weeks). The primary purpose of the ultrasound was to obtain 3d/4d pics (see prior post), so the tech did not give me much in the way of measurements. However, he did tell me that Ryder was not quite 3.5 pounds at the point. I'm thinking by now that he probably weighs 4 pounds or close to it. I can't say I'm surprised. I feel like I'm carrying something ginormous in my belly.
Total weight gain: Don't ask. No longer a good question. I'll be very lucky if I can keep my weight gain under 30 pounds (which was my original goal). I'm still shooting for it but it's pretty much a losing battle at this point.
Belly button; Stretch Marks: The belly pictures (see below) will speak for themselves. I'd still call myself and "innie"... sort of. My belly button pretty much looks like a shallow crater at this point. The outside rim sticks out, but there is still a shallow hole in the middle. It's ugly (at least in my opinion). I still don't have stretch marks (yay!), but as you can see from the picture, I've developed a "linea negra," which is the technical name for the weirdo line that runs vertically down my belly. Luckily this line disappears once the baby is born. Gross.
Last Dr's Appt: My 31 week appointment with Dr. Bradford was pretty uneventful. Blake left after the 3d/4d ultrasound, and my mom stayed for the appointment part. My mom and I are both impressed with Dr. B. She takes time to explains things and is very no-nonsense. We discussed pain management (I'm all for an epidural, by the way) and labor options. Dr. B also checked out my swelling, as my hands and feet are at least slightly swollen on a daily basis now. Because my blood pressure and urine look fine and I don't have any other troubling symptoms, the doctor isn't worried about the swelling for now. I just need to work on drinking more water, cutting my salt intake, and elevating my feet at the end of the day. I pretty much suck at all of those things. My bad.
How am I feeling: I feel very, very pregnant. I guess I've reached that point in the pregnancy where you start to wonder how in the world you still have 8(ish) weeks left. Ryder moves around like crazy. I no longer feel sweet little kicks. Instead, he feels like he is rolling around and pushing. And when I say pushing, I mean pushing. Sometimes his movements are uncomfortable. It's okay though... I still love it. As mentioned above, the swelling also sucks. My fingers feel like tight little sausages and my shoes are tighter. Acid reflux is still an issue but mainly just at night. When I wake up to pee (no less than 40 times a night), I also wake up with horrible reflux. I keep Tums in my bedside drawer just for this reason. Sleep has also become somewhat of a novelty. I just don't feel fully rested in the morning. And finally, I need to bitch a little bit about how hard it is to move around. It's so awkward and difficult to get in and out of the car... or off the couch... or out of bed. And I'm still trying to be good and take lots of walks (with Blake or my favorite neighbors- the Strong family), but I definitely feel lots of pressure and discomfort during the walks. I'm also still doing pilates twice a week (GO ME!), but it's getting to be quite the challenge.
Mood Swings and Food Cravings: Sweets. I crave sweets.
Milestones: I felt Ryder's first detectable case of the hiccups exactly a week ago (October 23rd --> 31 weeks and 2 days pregnant). I've felt hiccups about 3 times since then. It's cool and a little bit annoying at the same time. It's really neat and exciting... but it kind of gets a little old after a few minutes. It's just this rhythmic tap, tap, tap over and over again. If I had to decide, I'd definitely say the sweet outweighs the annoying :)
What I'm looking forward to: I had my 2nd baby shower and it was so much fun! I had been looking forward to it ever since the first one was over. I'll do a separate blog post on the shower once I get some pictures. But it was absolutely fabulous!
I don't really know what else I'm looking forward to... I guess I have to admit that I am sort of looking forward to meeting little Ryder now that it is getting closer. I'm also looking forward to Thanksgiving (totally my favorite holiday).
This is my first "Full Frontal" picture. It's kind of embarassing, but I figure I'll be glad that I documented these things when I'm looking back at this blog 6 months or a year from now. |
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