Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Ryder's 6 Month Professional Photo Shoot (and stats)

If you want to know how Ryder's 6 month photo shoot went, then I'll direct you back to my previous post titled "Ro's Mother Day Surprise."  We had a nearly identical experience.  The 6 month shoot was equally catastrophic.  Ryder pretty much cried non-stop and wouldn't let us set him down.  He was needy and pissed off.  Blake and I were pretty much in disbelief that things could go so poorly a second time.  The weird thing is that we've never seen Ryder act that way under any other circumstances.  We've wracked our brains and can't figure out why Ryder has gone ape-shit during both of his professional photo shoots.  Name a theory and we've tested it.  We wondered whether he is scared of large cameras since we typically take pictures with our cell phones at home.  Blake pulled out his large, professional-grade camera a few hours after the failed photo shoot and Ryder hammed it up.  It ain't a problem with the camera.  Also, the two photo shoots were at different locations, during different times of the day, under completely differing circumstances... there were no common factors to explain Ryder's behavior.  I don't think it's the case, but a couple of people have speculated that perhaps Ryder has a personal problem with Gara (my friend and the trusty photog).  He doesn't appear to shy away from her or freak by her presence, but I suppose it's a viable theory.  Personally, I think Ryder simply likes to watch mommy and daddy throw away good money. 

Despite the dismal conditions, Gara again managed to eek out some pretty cute shots.  First, here are Ryder's 6 month stats:

Ryder at 6 months old:
-14 lbs, 5 oz. (5th % for weight)
-25.75 in. (20th % for height)
-No-longer-quite-as-ginormous of a head... 48 % (17 in.)

This shot just begs for a close-up...

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