Monday, June 11, 2012

Another Letter to Ryder (6 months)

Dear Ryder Dylan,

     How is it possible that you have now been in our lives for six months?  I look at pictures of you from your first few months, and I can hardly believe you are the same baby.  You are such a big boy now!
     At around 5 months, we started feeding you plain rice cereal.  On Saturday, May 26th, a couple of days before your 6 month birthday, we introduced "solids" into your diet.  You tried sweet potatoes first, followed by carrots, then apples, and most recently bananas.  Since you've only tried each food a few times, it's hard to tell whether you have any preferences.  What may, at first glance, appear to be an enthusiastic reaction to a new food, could in reality simply be a reflection of your mood at that moment.  But if I base the assessement on the quantity and quality of your kicking and squealing along with the enthusiasm you display in opening your mouth to accept a bite, then I'd guess your favorites to fall in this order: (1) bananas (2) apples (3) sweet potatoes (4) carrots.  You pretty much rejected the carrots outright, but you were having an "off" day, so I plan to try them again soon.  I hated carrots with a passion until recently, so I can't say I'd blame you if you decide you truly aren't a fan.
     A few days ago, we finally set up a high chair for you.  We had been feeding you in your bouncy seat, which was functional but messy.  You look so cute and like such a big boy in your high chair!  Here is some photo and video evidence of your first time in the high chair (and first time trying bananas):

     I'd also like to report a MIRACULOUS change that has unfolded before my eyes over the course of the past two weeks.  My little boy who hated tummy-time with a vengeance has suddenly become a tummy sleeper.  The change pretty much happened overnight (literally).  One day you screamed bloody murder the very instant I tried setting you on your belly for a little bit of tummy time, and the next morning I found you sleeping peacefully on your stomach.  You have fully mastered the art of rolling from your back to stomach.  For a while, you couldn't figure out how to pull your arm out from under you, but over the past week, you perfected the 180 degree roll.  You're still a little bit uncertain about forced tummy-time, so I still put you to bed on your back and let you take it upon yourself to turn over whenever you deem appropriate during the night.  But I find you on your tummy each and every morning.  Now you're working on the ability to roll from tummy to back (a skill that most babies acquire before they are able to roll from back to tummy). 
     You aren't as big of a chatter-box these days.  I think you've quieted down a bit because you are too busy observing every detail around you.  Nothing goes unnoticed by your sweet little eyes.  You love to be a part of the action and to watch your mommy and daddy flutter around the house as we prepare your bath or fix dinner or clean up your messes.
     You have also recently started to reach out to touch faces.  You love to touch Daddy's rough, unshaven face, and you love to grab at Mommy's nose and mouth.  You're attracted to jewelry and anything shiny.  You also like to grab onto Mommy's hair.
     On Sunday, May 27th, Daddy took you into the pool for the very first time.  We went to a pool party at Amanda and Sean's house.  Your friend Bear was already in the pool when we arrived.  You spent about 15 minutes in the pool, and afterwards, I was still unsure how you felt about it.  You didn't cry but you didn't seem particularly happy either.  The following weekend, we tried the pool again at your Great Uncle Arthur and Great Aunt Linda's house, where we gathered for an extended family reunion/get-together.  This time, it was pretty obvious that you enjoyed soaking in the pool.  BudMo held you in the water for quite a while, and then we transferred you to a cute little frog raft for babies.  You chilled out in the raft and thoroughly enjoyed yourself for quite a while.  Success!  I was very happy to see that you like the water since we recently booked a trip to Florida in August.  The majority of our time in Florida will be spent in or around the pool, so it would have certainly put a damper on things if you hated to swim.
     You still love to watch the baby channel on TV, and you are still a fan of your bouncy seat.  A few weeks ago, we pulled out your jumperoo and you love that too (even though you aren't tall enough to reach the ground and really bounce yet.).
      For memory sake (so I don't freak out if this happens with the next kid), it's worth mentioning that you've also been on a semi-hunger strike off and on for the past two weeks.  Prior to this strike, you had been draining 6-7 ounce bottles (five times a day), but suddenly you aren't so interested in your formula.  I know that introducing solids plays a role in all of this because it fills your belly and you aren't quite as hungry, but the solids (which I'm giving you 1-2 times per day) aren't enough to fully explain your decreased appetite.  Our original theory was that your congestion (which had been lingering for weeks and weeks) was causing your loss in appetite, but now that your congestion is finally clearing up, you're still rejecting some of your bottles.  You've been eating anywhere from 12-24 oz. a day (but usually on the lower end of that range).  Typically babies your age and weight are eating 30+ oz. per day.  I asked the doctor about it at your 6 month check-up, and he wasn't concerned since you are gaining weight appropriately.  He went with the congestion theory (I haven't called to tell him that you still aren't eating well even though your congestion has since cleared).  When it comes down to it, the only thing that matters is that you are happy and gaining weight.  So, for now there is nothing to worry about.
     Last week you started your TCU music class for babies.  It was so neat and so much fun!  You were pretty chill during the class and mostly just observed your surroundings, but I think it will grow on you more and more and that you'll be bopping to the beat by the end of the 8 week session.  Bear (and her mommy Rachel) and Evie (and her mommy Traci (Taylor) Ellinwood) are in the class with you.  Last week Playhouse Academy was closed, but starting this week, I'll pick you up from school to take you to class (which is at 11:30 a.m.) and then drop you back at school afterwards.  What a fun activity for you and Mommy to do together on a "work/school" day!
     Your sleep patterns are still a bit inconsistent, but generally, you are very generous to mommy and daddy at night.  You go to bed at around 6:45 or 7pm and wake up between 6 and 7am.  You cry out between 0-2 times per night but almost always quiet yourself down without intervention within a few minutes.  When I do have to "intervene," a paci-insertion and pat to the bottom will usually do the trick.  Mommy and daddy wouldn't let you sleep with a "lovey" for your first six months because they were scared it could pose a danger, but you love your lovey so much that mommy has started to lose her resolve.  The instant you are handed the lovey, you pull it to your face, snuggle up and fall back asleep.  Because I'm losing my resolve and allowing you to sleep with the lovey some nights, I'd sure appreciate it if you would quit draping it across your entire face/head.  Mommy wouldn't have to worry about suffocation quite so much if you didn't insist upon burying your entire face with the lovey.
     Within the past few weeks, you have finally graduated from 99% of your 0-3 month clothing.  You could still fit into some of it, but the 3-6 month clothing fits better.  We are also almost through your last box of size 1 diapers.  When they are gone, you'll FINALLY start wearing size 2 diapers.  What a peanut!
     In terms of "third-party" observations, everyone loves commenting on your big eyes, long eyelashes and your hair, which seems to be sprouting by the minute.  You were such a baldy for your first few months, but your hair seems to be getting darker and thicker with each passing day.  Grandi and Aunt Sammie think you are my spitting image, but I just don't see it.  Others definitely say that you look more like mommy than daddy. 

[Update: I drafted the above portion of the letter about a week ago.  Due to an unusually crazy week, I didn't have time to download pictures and "publish" the post until now.  Although only a few more days have passed, there are already some new updates.  This past week, Ryder tried (and LOVES) sweet peas.  We also cut apples out of his diet because they seem to give him an upset stomach even though he adores them.  We'll try those again later.  More importantly, Ryder's hunger strike is officially over.  Baby boy is suddenly ravenous again!  He also easily rolls from tummy to back in his crib now.  I think he uses the sides of the crib to help give him some leverage, so I'm not certain whether he can roll from tummy to back while on the floor yet.  If he can't, I'm certain he'll figure it out in no time flat.  Yesterday we said goodbye to Grandi after a two week visit.  Mommy, Daddy and Ryder will all miss her terribly!]

Ryder Dylan- you are the sweetest and cutest little boy on this planet.  Mommy and daddy love you more than words can express.  We watch in amazement as you grow and learn with each passing day.  Xoxo, mommy and daddy
    Just for fun, here are some more recent pictures:

Evidence that I'm starting to treat mommy and daddy to some cuddles...

Playing with Auntie Sammie

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