Tuesday, September 20, 2011

What is in a name?

Today Blake and I finally took the plunge.  This whole name-the-baby thing has been exhausting.  And overwhelming.  And intimidating.  Oh, and I've learned that I'm a bit of a committment-phobe.  What if we change our minds?  What if we come up with a different name?  Eeek!  Part of me thinks I could have easily put this entire thing off until his birth.  Blake and I have gone back and forth so many times.  We came up with a short list of around 4 names, and STILL couldn't seem to agree/commit to one of them.  But now it's done.  I can finally relax and stop obsessing about it.  We sent the following announcement to family and close friends this morning:

I'm so proud and excited to name this little guy after my Zadie (R.D. Moses).  He passed away in 2009 and I miss him dearly.  He was an amazing man and an even more amazing grandfather.  Ryder is so lucky to carry such important initials.  

1 comment:

  1. So happy to be able to call him RYDER instead of BBH :)
