Sunday, September 18, 2011

10 Year High School Reunion

As per my usual pessimism, I had somewhat of a bad attitude about the reunion weekend.  Generally, feeling like a pregnant hippo doesn't help.  I was wrong.  It was so much fun!  I really enjoyed seeing my CDS friends, and I also enjoyed seeing old classmates that I haven't kept in touch with.  Just about everyone was friendly, and it was super fun to play the "who has changed the most" game or the "who looks the best/worst" game. 

I got lots and lots of belly rubs, which luckily doesn't bother me in the least.  As long as I know the person rubbing my belly, I'm all for it!  BBH is a sociable little guy (says I) and likes the attention (says I).  I wish we would have taken more pictures, but here are a handful:

A few friends came by to see the new house and say hello on Friday night (Laura and Brian Desgranges, Anna Price Heyer and Megan McAdams).  It was so fun to see them!  I hadn't seen Anna since her wedding, which I believe was at least 4 or 5 years ago, if not more.  Anyway, Laura and Brian gave BBH an ADORABLE football footsie pajama set (see above).  Love it!

I have posted a few pics from the actual reunion event (at Capital Bar) below:

Brian and Blake bonded big time over the weekend.  You can tell from the picture... they may well be dating now.  They make a cute couple.

1 comment:

  1. Haha - love these pics!!! And im surprised I haven't been asked I we can buy a 3D TV and make a safari room so the boys can match :)
