Friday, November 4, 2011

Follow up from Wednesday's "excitement"

I spent all of yesterday on "strict bed rest."  I only cheated 3 times.  I ventured downstairs to fix a bowl of cereal in the morning (didn't have the heart to make Blake serve me breakfast in bed while he was getting ready for work), I did one load of laundry (NOT including the folding... I left that for Blake), and a long shower in the evening.  Mostly, I worked from my laptop, played on my laptop, watched TV and napped.  It wasn't half bad.  Although it was nice to have a "day off," it wasn't totally relaxing since I was sitting there the entire time wondering whether I was still contracting.  It's frustrating not to know what is going on with your own body.

In the afternoon, I spoke with a nurse from Dr. Bradford's office.  Dr. Bradford wanted to see me first thing Friday morning (today).  I woke up this morning with a pit in my stomach.  Had my contractions stopped?  Would my cervix still be closed tight?  Would I have to go back to the hospital?  My stomach was cramping up, which I was pretty certain was from the nerves, but it didn't help to ease my anxiety.

My mom accompanied me to the appointment since it is hard for Blake to keep leaving work.  It turned out to be a really reassuring appointment.  Dr. B put me back on the monitors for a good 20-30 minutes.  When she returned, she explained that although she still sees some "uterine irritability," the contractions have almost fully dissipated.  She was very pleased.  She followed that up with another pelvic exam (fun times!) and again reported that my cervix is sealed tight. 

I know that they'll keep a closer eye on me from here on out to make sure that I'm not having more early contractions, but Dr. B is super confident that I'm going to be just fine and in all likelihood will make it full term.  Phew- such good news! 

Dr. B ordered me to stay home from work today and relax, take it easy over the weekend (no strenuous activity, no exercise, relax as much as possible, and ease back into normal activity on Monday).  I go back in a week for another check-up. 

Behave yourself Ryder!

1 comment:

  1. Phew!!!! That's a scary one. Glad you're doing better!
