Friday, July 15, 2011

July 15, 2011

General Pregnancy Update:

How far along: 17 weeks

How big is baby: I don't have any clue how big he is in terms of weight, but The Bump website tells me that he is as big as an onion this week!

Total weight gain: I can't be certain because I didn't start weighing right away, but according to the doctor, I've gained 4 pounds.

Belly button & Stretch Marks: No strange belly button mutations or stretchies yet (thank god!). I'm happy to sport a normal "innie" for as long as possible.

Last Dr's Appt: My last appointment was on July 11th. I had a nice visit with Dr. Bradford and gave blood for the second part of the sequential screen. Unfortunately, I didn't get to have an sonogram at this appointment... so no glimpses of Baby Boy Halpern. However, I did get to hear his hearbeat on the doppler. 152 beats per minute. Music to my ears!

Maternity clothes: Mostly. I can still wear regular dresses. I have fully transitioned into my maternity jeans (LOVE). I can still wear some regular tops too, but they definitely pull in strange places.

How am I feeling: I will cautiously say that I'm feeling.... better. I still puke almost every single morning. However, I'm feeling much, much better during the day. I have a few random bouts of nausea here and there, but I'm doing sooo much better than I was before. As of the last few days, the headaches are also subsiding. I am hopeful that maybe, just maybe, I will experience some 2nd trimester bliss (which I've thought was only a myth for the past few weeks).

Mood Swings and Food Cravings: Mood is semi-stable. There is a lot going on in my life right now, as we are about to close on our Townhouse and move to the new house. So, a little stress is to be expected. I can't claim that I'm not testier than "normal," but I think I'm hanging in there. Cravings- I think my pickle cravings have diminished for the time being. Now I'm primarily craving yellow mustard (especially french fries dipped in yellow mustard) and soup. any soup. Who craves soup in the dead of Texas summer? This pregnant girl (*points at self*)!

Milestones: I can't think of any major milestones as of late, other than the fact that I am truly "showing." I have popped in the last week or two, and I think it's pretty obvious that I'm pregnant (depending on what I'm wearing).

What I'm looking forward to: I'm looking forward to feeling some movement from Baby Boy. I haven't felt anything yet, but it could happen any day now. It seems like most first time moms start noticing movement between 18-21 weeks. However, some people (ahem- Emily (my skinniest of skinny friends)) feel movement as early as 15 or 16 weeks. Kick baby, kick!

Preparations and decisions being made: I'm itching to start decorating the new nursery. But I suppose that will have to wait until I move into the new house. I'm browsing crib bedding online for ideas, which is fun. I think preparations/decisions will be kicked into high gear once we get back from Alaska (toward the end of August). Blake and I also need to continue discussing names. We like the same type of name, but haven't agreed on anything yet.

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